Remote work, meeting agendas and mental health

Fixing meetings and supporting positive mental health, one better meeting at a time

How Hybryd strives to improve mental health

Lower the stress levels of your meeting by including the meeting’s objective

Remove unnecessary anxiety with agendas and pre-work to reduce in-meeting frustration

Share meeting notes and actions to reinforce responsibility and accountability

What is the Hybryd meeting experience?

We’re designing a radically different approach to meetings and we are almost ready to change your meeting expectations FOREVER. Our goal is to create a tool that reinforces positive mental health, improves outcomes and builds a meeting culture you can love, inside your organization.

What makes a for healthy meeting?

Communication is king

Setting an objective, creating a meeting agenda and assigning pre-work (when needed) are just 3 of the ways Hybryd is trying to support positive mental health in meetings. Sharing these beforehand with your attendees helps reduce stress and prepare you for a more effective meeting.

Save all the time

With Hybryd you can plan your meeting agenda and add how much time you’ll need for each topic. The Hybryd video overlay is ideal if you need a highly structured meeting. Hybryd Participants are more focused and less stressed when they know they’ve got a specified time for a particular agenda item.

Accountability drives positive results

The positive results of practising a constructive approach to accountability in meetings include more employee participation, increased feelings of competency, higher employee morale and work satisfaction. Hybryd encourages accountability by assigning action items and due dates to a participant. With Hybryd you can share meeting notes and actions so everyone can see and remember the commitments made during the meeting.

Increase your meeting heath:

A quick list

  • Better meeting structure

  • Meeting Agenda Templates

  • Better Meeting Management 

  • Focused attendees 

  • Clear meeting outcomes 

  • Assigned actions and due dates

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